Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Col. Todd turns 90

The Cadets of the 2007/2008 academic year marched proudly to their neighbor's house to wish him a happy 90th birthday on December 5, 2007. The event was a surprise, and their neighbor and former Hargrave president, Col. Andrew Todd, was initially speechless. Mrs. Todd had to work hard to keep Col. Todd in the house for the event. He remains very much on the go.

The band played 'Happy Birthday' and other songs. The Highlanders also had a moment to play, too. At the end of the event, Col. Todd was provided a luxury gift from the Academy.

Col. Todd was impressed with the Corps. But as an expert in raising boys he stated, "It's remarkable how they turn out after 25 years."

Happy Birthday, Col. Todd, from your Hargrave family.


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