On the second day of the Coral Sea Battle, the Japenese were coming at the Lexington from all directions. The dive bombers zoomed close. Their deadly missiles fell all about the marked ship. The men were too busy to think of dodging them. Their minds were on their jobs. Their young officer´s attention was focused on the job he had to do- fight off the Japenese planes. A bomb whistled close- then exploded. A fragment struck Lieutenant Price. He died giving the command "Keep firing!" And the gun crew did.

He attended Lincoln Grade School in Charleston; Hargrave Military Academy (Class of 1932) in Chatham, Virginia; Concord State College, Athens, West Virginia; and the United States Naval Academy with the highest scholastic record in the class. He was valedictorian, and received medals for scholarship and marksmanship on the rifle team, and an award for being the most outstanding senior of the year. His high record was maintained at the Naval Academy where he ranked twenty-sixth in a class of 550. On graduation from the Academy he was assigned to the Lexington as an ensign. In the line of duty, his superiors rated him as a "splendid officer.
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet, commended the young officer in a citation for bravery: "He contributed immeasurably to the destruction wrought on the attacking aircraft by skillfully directing the fire of his batteries. He perished at his battle station carrying out his duties in the best tradition of the Naval Service."
E.M. Price is my great uncle. He was awarded a purple heart posthumously, which I have recently come into possession of, along with other limited memoribilia and photos. I am grateful to have found the information on this site, and I send my thanks.
I am hoping Anonymous will see this post and contact me. I am looking for further information about whether LT Price's body was recovered. I know that the Lexington didn't sink, outright, in battle, but was considered damaged sufficient enough to be useless. Rather than risk it falling into enemy hands, it was scuttled. According to this, he died on the deck, although I suspect they did burials at sea for those who died on ships, during wwii. If anyone with any more infor about this would mind writing to me about this, please do so, at noelani54@hotmail.com
Thanks very mcuh!
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